How To Use Aloe Vera For Acne

Why use aloe vera

Aloe Vera For Acne: Use of aloe vera gel in these 7 ways and get rid of pimples

How To Use Aloe Vera For Acne -> Aloe Vera for Acne: Acne is a problem that is mostly faced by teenagers or many older people. Pimples do not look good on the face and people are troubled by this pain due to them. In such a situation, many people find different tricks to get rid of acne, but even after that, their hands only seem to be frustrated. So today we are going to share a secret with you. Actually, you only need Aloe Vera Gel to get rid of acne.

Aloe Vera Gel is used for a variety of things but is primarily known to moisturize the skin. It also gives a natural glow to the skin. In addition, it is also used to cure injuries and relieve sunburn. Also, aloe vera is also used to get rid of acne.

Why use aloe vera for acne?

Aloe vera is commonly known for its medicinal properties. Also, many people use it for skincare as well. The vitamins A, C, and E present in aloe vera remove radicals and enliven the skin. The salicylic acid present in it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, it removes acne-causing bacteria and keeps the skin healthy. Apart from this, aloe vera also increases the collagen production in the skin, which makes the skin heal quickly.

How to use aloe vera for skin

1. Pure aloe vera gel

This is a treatment that you should do before sleeping at night. You only need aloe vera gel for this.

do you want it

Pure aloe vera gel as needed

How to use

-> To get pure aloe vera gel, you cut aloe vera leaf from both corners and remove the gel from the middle.
-> Now, combine it into a bowl.
-> Wash and dry your face.
-> Now apply the pure gel on your face.
-> Leave it on the face overnight and wash your mouth with water in the morning.

2. aloe vera gel and honey

Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which keeps away bacteria that cause acne.

do you want it

-> 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
-> 1 tbsp honey

How to use

-> Mix both the things well in a bowl.
-> Now apply this mixture on your face.
-> Let it remain on the face for 15 minutes.
-> Now wash your mouth with normal water.

3. aloe vera gel and turmeric

Turmeric is a spice known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It contains active components, which remove the bacteria that produce pimples and protect the skin from pimples.

do you want it

– Half a teaspoon aloe vera gel
– A pinch of turmeric

How to use

-> Mix both the things well in the bowl.
-> Now apply it to the affected area of ​​your face.
-> Leave for 15 to 20 minutes
-> Now wash your mouth with water.

4. aloe vera gel and lemon juice

Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C and essential nutrients, which keep the skin healthy. Apart from this, lemon also contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which helps in reducing pimples.

do you want it

– 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
– One-fourth teaspoon lemon juice

How to use

-> Mix both things in the bowl.
-> Now apply this mixture on the face.
-> Leave on the face for 5 to 10 minutes.
-> Now wash your face.

5. aloe vera gel, cinnamon, and honey

Both honey and cinnamon are known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A combination of these two is very beneficial for the skin.

do you want it

– 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
– 4 tablespoons honey
– ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder

How to use

-> Mix all the three things in a bowl and make a paste.
-> Apply this paste on the affected parts of your face.
-> Let the paste remain for 10 minutes.
-> Now wash your face.

6. aloe vera gel and almond oil

Almond oil has properties for skin whitening and soothing. It removes dryness and makes the skin soft.

do you want it

– 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
– 4-5 drops almond oil

How to use

-> Mix almond oil and aloe vera gel.
-> Now apply this mixture on the affected area.
-> Leave for 5 to 10 minutes.
-> Wash mouth with normal water.

7. aloe vera gel, cucumber, and rose water

It moisturizes the skin and reduces pain. Rosewater acts as a toner on the skin and cleanses the pores.

do you want it

-> one tsp aloe vera gel
-> 1 tsp cucumber juice
-> 1 tsp rose water
-> Cotton

How to use

-> Mix everything in 1 bowl.
-> Now apply it to the affected area with cotton.
-> Leave it to dry.
-> Now wash your mouth with water.

also, read-> how-to-lose-weight-by-vegetable

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