Jio Offer: ‘Recharge of 498 rupees in Jio Free offer till 31st March’ know the truth of this message!
Jio Offer: know the truth of this message, There is a very big problem in society. The problem is that whenever the demand for something is high, its fans become more, then in the name of that thing, the fraud begins. On one hand, due to Coronavirus, the entire country has been locked down, on the other hand, the robbers of Jio’s customers have also become active. A message in the name of Jio is going viral, claiming free data and unlimited calling till 31 March. Let’s know the truth of this message…
What is written in the message?

In the message that is going viral in the name of Jio on WhatsApp and social media, the message reads, ‘Jio is giving free recharge of 498 rupees to all Indian users in this difficult situation, so just click on the link given below. Get Free Recharge … https:… Please note: This offer is limited to 31 March only! ‘
Actually, whenever you get such a message, read it carefully. How many impurities do you have in this message? The first identification of any message being fake is identified by spelling and URL. It is the same with this message of Jio.
Secondly, there is no such official website of Jio and neither company has issued any such offer. So it is better for you not to trust this message at all. This is completely spam.
What is the danger of this message?
In fact, such messages are used to hack people’s phones or laptops and steal personal information. Such messages are also used in affiliate marketing. Do not click on this message in the name of Jio Offer and do not forward it to anyone else.